Tuesday, July 26, 2011

We can learn much about the beauty of simplicity, by spending time with animals and nature.....Diane Masi

My Dog Pooh By: Diane

Their Is no other happiness than the gift and beauty of the day and to be filled with the spirit.....Diane A Masi

A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe. ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

Each and everyday is a new start, do what matters to you most, and be filled with gratitude for what you have, never focusing on what others have..
Be ever so grateful for the small things, take a look around and take nothing for granted......our time is short, keep It simple and enjoyable...We are more important than acquiring things.....Small is precious..Have the most beautiful week...Diane Masi ~

Photo By Diane