Saturday, August 27, 2011

Be True to your To your own heart By: Diane Masi

What I took away from listening to Alan Cohen's Interview with Rabbi Alan Press and In my own life experiences.....
In my own words By: Diane Masi

Open up & unravel~ Hold on to your values as you live by day by day, embrace them with heartfelt expression....All must seek their own heart.....Be true to your own self, follow your own truths....The God of your heart. A whole great level of living~ Find out what Is really Important to you In life....... Don't hold on to past beliefs, things that do not work, things that do not serve you....Live from a place of your true self~ Live your essence~

Don't stay In a relationship, job, or point In your life that does not serve you.....Sometimes you are In the wrong situation, or fall for the wrong person, this may happen In order for you to grow & learn, as to move on to the right one. Connect with like minded people.

On relationships~ The right relationship, whatever your background or beliefs, It really Is possible to bring your backgrounds together. Respect your values and love.......United with oneness, as well as with your separate Individual fulfilled happiness, when you bring this to the relationship, with respect for one another, & growth, this open's the doorway to love & fulfillment~

Grow together, grow Individually, support each other In growth as one, as well as In your separate Individualism. Make your partner the most Important part of your life, be best friends, be soul connected, communicate. Journey through life together~

RESPECT each other. Encourage each other, learn from each other. Transition together....Make your relationship the most important thing. Accept differences, COMMUNICATE, Each person In a relationship Is responsible for their own happiness.

Don't look to find your self worth In another person...HAVE IT~ Spend time alone, as well as together....Encourage the other person, find fulfillment alone & add It to the relationship. Shift as It grows, blossoms, changes, as nothing stays the same with time....

Be loving....Support each other as you each already are In this moment.....Encourage, support the other person to be all that he or she can be. Do not expect the other person to fit Into your mold. Expect change & growth, rediscover the person, as things change & each grows individually. LIVE IN THE NOW~ We learn from each other

In Choices~God gives us strength to make hard choices. Follow the power above, as well as within~ Discover your Godliness, when you discover the God within, anything and all Is possible........Rid yourself of old voices of the past, negatives, let them go & become who you are now.

Go Into the heart.... Let go of your outside world, go within, and connect to God~ open wide, allow soul truth to fill you, starting at the heart....Let go of what Is not Love........ Love Is the only eternal truth....Follow Faith & trust...Follow what faith tells you to do.....Let the voice of God, and the voice In your heart lead your day, your world........ It Is the most beautiful place you can be, and the most amazing "Journey"....Have the most wonderful day....Diane Masi

"Live In light, love, truth, your center, discover the God within"~
Rabbi Alan Press

Photo By: Diane Malibu Beach

God has all kinds of ways to bring your dreams alive~ Believe & Trust In Him......Follow your true passion, straight from your heart~ The God within~DIANE MASI

Photo Diane LA

Live from the heart :)

Photo: My Daughter Mexico

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Angels On The Horizon....."Beauty of the Amazing Sunset"~ Diane Masi

Photo By: Diane Griffith Park LA
Sunset hues of purple and pink, what a great time to make you think....
Angel's dance, animals prance, In the Beauty of the Amazing Sunset....
Knowing, at the end of this beautiful sight......
In the dawn of the morning, once again, God will bring great light...
Then again, at the day's end, the evening will bring, the "Beauty of the Amazing Sunset"~ Diane Masi 8-25-11

The Gentle Art of Blessing

Joy & Peace

I don't know of any greater gift more precious than that of nature......The Beauty of a Sunset, the warm breeze blowing on your face, puppy's In a field, friends to surround you with love......God Is Good....Diane

Photo By: Diane


Photo By: Diane 8-24-11

Monday, August 22, 2011


There are mysteries In life that can not, and will not, ever be explained. Mystery~ Even all the scientific data, has no explanations for certain things In life... We do not even understand what all of our brain can be used for yet....Only God knows, and holds the keys to the mysteries In life....Only God predicts the future, with our trust In him, leading us through our soul, as well.

We can only come to truly realize this: We have a heart and soul, and we can follow our dreams and our deepest passions, and with faith In God, we can be lead In the right direction, as It holds the keys to our future. Christ spoke these words "The kingdom of God lies within you"

Trust immensely In God, your own Instincts, trust your true passions, allow God In~ so the spirit flows through you.....Most times when you are open to It, heart and soul.... you just know deep Inside yourself what to do, and where you belong.

No magic words or anything outside yourself, other than God, and the God within you, can hold your future. Trust, believe,follow the truth, live your God given passion... Surrender to the all powerful God above/ Inside......Live your deepest passions through God~Diane Masi

Certain thoughts are prayers. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees. ~Victor Hugo

Trust In God Only~

Trust God to protect you, whatever happens, know it is God’s plan even if I do not understand it.

I hand my future over to God.

Photo By Diane OBX 8-22-11

Bob Holroyd - The Sheer Weight of Memory