Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Keys Of Life~ By: Diane Masi

For me I have always had basic keys to life that helped In success, even when things were hard......Life Is not perfect, I am not perfect.......but choosing to keep the Faith, being of strong moral character, all the way through~~~ kept me on solid ground. I followed my passion & Dreams.......This gift gave me the ability to overcome trials, or what was not going well.

I have found In my case, most of my trials and failures came from an Ego based place, where I did not have the resource or finance to do something, I tried to "prove" I could anyway....Fatal mistakes.....Oh, I have learned....(Not talking about being able to give away that which I had the ability to, that Is okay, It was the MORE part when I could not!) getting yourself In hot water, when you can't, Is much different. Where I learned to surrender, and step back, and let others help, when they do, & all are combined, everyone wins!

I have learned through much trial & error to loosen the EGO......It was the most beneficial thing I did for myself......Taking a setback, can prove to be the most rewarding step ahead when you learn!

I personally have found as life unfolds, you get back what you give........ It Is truly REMARKABLE & AMAZING! When you give a 100 percent to all In life around you, and are able to forgive yourself for your shortcomings, the beauty of what you have sowed comes to life.

Some Analogy's are: Sometimes parents feel like all there efforts are so difficult, what am I doing??? Where Is this going??? You give all your love, you give all you got..... In raising small children you repeatedly start with manners, cleanliness, lessons, and parents get overwhelmed.... it is a daily challenge, straight up to the adult years.....Then one day you wake up with the most AMAZING children, and you see your efforts did bear great fruit :) and the love you gave, comes right back at ya!

Another: It could be you give away all you have, people around you say... are you crazy? Stop giving to others, then one day you find your In need through trials, & a helping hand comes right back at you! Many helping hands! Karma~

Another: You go through many difficult years of hard work, you sometimes may ask yourself what have I done? Was this worth It, and alas! The combined years of effort and staying Interested In your Dreams/ substantial rewards.....Nothing comes easy, hard work & sweat are required to achieve, and the rewards & benefits that show up & are endless in where It leads you!

Key Points: Trust & Faith In God
Sound Moral Values
Being Focused & Steadfast
Learning from errors, forgiving yourself
Challenge & Growth
Enjoying the trip
Laughing at your mistakes
Learning you really do "Reap What You Sow"
Important~ loosening the EGO!
Follow your Dreams!!!!
Stay Passionate!

You will see when you give 100 percent to everything you do In life, even In light of your mistakes made........ It all comes right back to you :) The mysteries In life & the Grace of God are so "truly amazing" It unfolds when you least expect it! Follow your dreams, no matter what the challenge, they really do come true! Have the MOST BEAUTIFUL WEEK~ Diane

Napoleon Hill - inspirational words of wisdom

Just by our Thoughts Alone we Impact Not Only Ourselves but Those Around us as well." ~Wayne Dyer

“Productive achievement is a consequence and an expression of health and self-esteem, not its cause.” Nathaniel Branden

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Every time I tell the truth. I gain my own freedom.

Challenges are what makes life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. - Joshua J. Marine.