Inspirational Guidance for your Heart~ Soul How to Change your Heart To Just Be Love♥Truth~Passion~ Joy~Enthusiasm
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Day 6..... Embrace The Day !!!
Only those who embrace life can become wise, you cannot understand anything properly if you are judgmental towards life. When you hear "One Day At a Time" or "Live for Today" there is so much truth...."Relish the moment" All good words of Wisdom, you never know what tomorrow may bring. I see way to many negatives and complaints over really trivial things, yes we all have minor complaints, but If It Is a habit, or your a jaded or cynical person, the type that just wears people out by being around, not fun. There Is so much around to EMBRACE and be so very GRATEFUL for, Embrace, Embrace, Embrace It all. Be ever so joyous for this day. Our greatest strength Is to Embrace Life each and every Day, our greatest weakness is our failure to embrace It. I think we all need to watch our tone of voice in how we speak to others as well, this is huge in sending your thoughts out of how your feeling, goods thoughts, great tones make more positives, be mindful of yourself and others and spread some joy.
I wish you the Ability to always Embrace the Day and have Sunshine and Laughter on This Weekend :) Diane
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
Charles R. Swindoll quotes (American Writer and Clergyman, 1934
"I Embrace Life, I Am So Passionate and Thankful for Little Tiny Things, Each and Every Day" ~Diane Masi :)
I wish you the Ability to always Embrace the Day and have Sunshine and Laughter on This Weekend :) Diane
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
Charles R. Swindoll quotes (American Writer and Clergyman, 1934
"I Embrace Life, I Am So Passionate and Thankful for Little Tiny Things, Each and Every Day" ~Diane Masi :)
Enigma - Return To Innocence
I dedicated this to Art who Is 90 & still Laughs & kids, & thinks like a child :)
Day 5....Get Your Childlike Mind On :)
Remember that Happy innocent way you looked & felt about things~
“It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child." Picasso
Years ago people used to say "Find Your Inner Child" or "Know Your Partners Inner Child" Okay, I sorta thought I knew what that meant all these years, but not really at all. I always thought It had to do with what troubled you as a child, or what hurt, since I always heard these quotes In context of healing things to make you happy, or helping your relationship troubles, or to be able to move forward you must go back.....
Well now I understand much better, that It Is more like returning to the Innocence In the mind of a child, or at least I perceive It to be this way now, along the lines of helping to make you happier and more relaxed....It helps me!
The former thought about troubles: Well who does not have scars from childhood? We all do....some more severe than others, harsh words that hurt deeply from peers or possibly people or teachers that were In authority of you, a person who may have violated you in a mental or physical way, the list can go on. Recently, I met some amazing people who were beaten, starved, grew up In orphanages they told me, and they had horrific traumas, I would have never guessed, they are so remarkably happy, this Is just one example. So not talking about returning to the pain, I mean returning to the sweet, happy, innocent, childlike wonder part of ourselves, that was unspoiled by brass people, harshness, responsibilities, and adulthood. Once again, work hard to replace bad thought with good ones.
Who wants to think about bad, as the old self help books In the past, taught us to go back there to heal, forget that~ how can that heal you dredging up negatives? Not to say we need not feel about sad things, or grieve them, that's okay If we need to heal something that we need to fix, but don't dwell there for more than a brief glance, then move your mind on. Most people I have encountered who have told me they had very painful childhoods, seem to have developed a skill to hold the past in the past, and they say they keep It left there, these people seem to fair much better In being happy. I believe what I have learned from people who experienced deep pain, they have acquired the gift to learn to let the past go, and they just quietly keep It in Its place and let the scars heal In themselves alone. In this moment If you want to feel peaceful, just be your true Innocent self, give those who tried to rob you of your innocence no power! Only go to the good places In the mind, depart with the bad. No way would I even what to return to being a child, I love being this age, but we love the places In the heart from childhood we all treasure, where life was so simple or blissful like In a tiny moment of enjoying a sunny day, I know I sure do :)
Fortunately for me, I have had the time and knowledge to come to this place recently, I so completely get It now.I am able to day dream again, a lost art, or think of some of my favorite childhood things, and ohhhhh It makes my heart and soul melt...Some things for me were, laying In the grass on lazy summer days watching clouds roll by, swinging for hours In the sun, waiting for a heavy rain storm and after, laying In the warm puddles rolling down the street, running through the woods all day and getting completely dirty, going In for a hot dinner after swimming all day, getting all cleaned up and being so exhausted, looking forward to comfort and sleep. Picnicking on Sunday drive days, just doing nothing~ So many, many Happy Thoughts to post but just an example.
When you allow yourself to get to this place and do It from time to time, It Is TREMENDOUSLY HEALING In the HEART and SOUL. Grab some great memories and feelings or favorite old past times today. When you have quiet time to let your mind have some real leisure or lazy day dreams, and only allow the good feelings or memories In, you will do your heart and soul a huge favor. If bad thoughts come, refuse them, and go to the good places In the heart :)
For me also, I have been a crazy dog lover, since I was a child, so seems like In every childhood pic, I am holding a different, darn family dog! No wonder I still adore these amazing LOYAL creatures! I am glad I found old photos of me It made me laugh because In my heart In some ways, I have not changed, I still have a soft spot In my heart for animals~I will post a few pics of me, one at the beach (still my favorite place) along With a great Video "Enigma Return to Innocence...I totally get It now, hope you do too :)
~The Young Me In Grade School~
~The Young Me In High School~

"What you can seek and find is not the real thing. Find what you have never lost and you will know true happiness"~Nisargadatta
~The Young Me below in the OBX with my cousin Matt DeAngelo~

"It is the childlike mind that finds the kingdom"~
Charles Fillmore
~So It Is Me now, with my Pups~ Love Animals~
“It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child." Picasso
Years ago people used to say "Find Your Inner Child" or "Know Your Partners Inner Child" Okay, I sorta thought I knew what that meant all these years, but not really at all. I always thought It had to do with what troubled you as a child, or what hurt, since I always heard these quotes In context of healing things to make you happy, or helping your relationship troubles, or to be able to move forward you must go back.....
Well now I understand much better, that It Is more like returning to the Innocence In the mind of a child, or at least I perceive It to be this way now, along the lines of helping to make you happier and more relaxed....It helps me!
The former thought about troubles: Well who does not have scars from childhood? We all do....some more severe than others, harsh words that hurt deeply from peers or possibly people or teachers that were In authority of you, a person who may have violated you in a mental or physical way, the list can go on. Recently, I met some amazing people who were beaten, starved, grew up In orphanages they told me, and they had horrific traumas, I would have never guessed, they are so remarkably happy, this Is just one example. So not talking about returning to the pain, I mean returning to the sweet, happy, innocent, childlike wonder part of ourselves, that was unspoiled by brass people, harshness, responsibilities, and adulthood. Once again, work hard to replace bad thought with good ones.
Who wants to think about bad, as the old self help books In the past, taught us to go back there to heal, forget that~ how can that heal you dredging up negatives? Not to say we need not feel about sad things, or grieve them, that's okay If we need to heal something that we need to fix, but don't dwell there for more than a brief glance, then move your mind on. Most people I have encountered who have told me they had very painful childhoods, seem to have developed a skill to hold the past in the past, and they say they keep It left there, these people seem to fair much better In being happy. I believe what I have learned from people who experienced deep pain, they have acquired the gift to learn to let the past go, and they just quietly keep It in Its place and let the scars heal In themselves alone. In this moment If you want to feel peaceful, just be your true Innocent self, give those who tried to rob you of your innocence no power! Only go to the good places In the mind, depart with the bad. No way would I even what to return to being a child, I love being this age, but we love the places In the heart from childhood we all treasure, where life was so simple or blissful like In a tiny moment of enjoying a sunny day, I know I sure do :)
Fortunately for me, I have had the time and knowledge to come to this place recently, I so completely get It now.I am able to day dream again, a lost art, or think of some of my favorite childhood things, and ohhhhh It makes my heart and soul melt...Some things for me were, laying In the grass on lazy summer days watching clouds roll by, swinging for hours In the sun, waiting for a heavy rain storm and after, laying In the warm puddles rolling down the street, running through the woods all day and getting completely dirty, going In for a hot dinner after swimming all day, getting all cleaned up and being so exhausted, looking forward to comfort and sleep. Picnicking on Sunday drive days, just doing nothing~ So many, many Happy Thoughts to post but just an example.
When you allow yourself to get to this place and do It from time to time, It Is TREMENDOUSLY HEALING In the HEART and SOUL. Grab some great memories and feelings or favorite old past times today. When you have quiet time to let your mind have some real leisure or lazy day dreams, and only allow the good feelings or memories In, you will do your heart and soul a huge favor. If bad thoughts come, refuse them, and go to the good places In the heart :)
For me also, I have been a crazy dog lover, since I was a child, so seems like In every childhood pic, I am holding a different, darn family dog! No wonder I still adore these amazing LOYAL creatures! I am glad I found old photos of me It made me laugh because In my heart In some ways, I have not changed, I still have a soft spot In my heart for animals~I will post a few pics of me, one at the beach (still my favorite place) along With a great Video "Enigma Return to Innocence...I totally get It now, hope you do too :)
~The Young Me In Grade School~
~The Young Me In High School~

"What you can seek and find is not the real thing. Find what you have never lost and you will know true happiness"~Nisargadatta
~The Young Me below in the OBX with my cousin Matt DeAngelo~

"It is the childlike mind that finds the kingdom"~
Charles Fillmore
~So It Is Me now, with my Pups~ Love Animals~
Friday, April 1, 2011
Day 4~Learn From Water
I have always been attracted to water...Personally, just can never have enough of Swimming, going to the Ocean, Lakes, Creeks....since I was a tike! Have always had an Aquarium In my home, since my 1st child that was born was one... so enchanting to me, and I adore waterfalls...
Something very profound I studied this year was Wayne Dyer's summary of the Tao Te Ching.....In hearing Wayne Dyer's wisdom on the study, he has said think about It, for 9 months before born, we lay In the womb In water, with no EGO, only relying on God for our needs......then we are born, and parents and society take over, and then comes the "EGO". Wayne Dyers definition of EGO, "Etching God Out"... Interesting thought to me.
I think we can learn so very much from the softness and beauty of water, to me It Is the most beautiful gift In life, I feel that water Is also so taken for granted....In nature we can see the softness and beauty of water. We can learn so much from It, and use It to relax our mind as well. Understand that we can become more soft like water, Instead of hard and brittle, as we can learn to be at times, jaded, In all that goes on around us... I will post a video I came across on water and delightful music...Just for helping you heal through water~
I will also post The Summary of Wisdom Of the Tao by Wayne Dyer......this has served a tremendous purpose of meditation, understanding and healing for me since coming upon last year....It was like the Icing on the cake to me of Knowledge and understanding. Written some 25 centuries ago....Clearly similar messages written In all Holy books and Religions as well...... Interesting to me In some Religions In Baptism, Water Is used and symbolic of "To Purify" I believe water CAN PURIFY US :)
I "LOVE WATER" It Is so mysterious!!! It also must be respected as well!
Enough said, I so hope you enjoy, can relax and enjoy these beautiful videos that Inspire me...........also adding a photo of a sunrise I took In the Outer Banks Of North Carolina this past fall, one of my favorites places.. also a picture In Malibu California I took while visiting my family. Have a most beautiful weekend~Diane Masi
Photo By: ©dianemasi Outer Banks Of NC
"Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong"~ Lao Tzu
"In this world, there is nothing softer or thinner than water. But to compel the hard and unyielding, it has no equal. That the weak overcomes the strong, that the hard gives way to the gentle -- this everyone knows. Yet no one acts accordingly."~ Lao Tzu~
"Nothing is softer or more flexible than water".....Wayne Dyer
Photo©dianemasi Malibu Beach, CA
Something very profound I studied this year was Wayne Dyer's summary of the Tao Te Ching.....In hearing Wayne Dyer's wisdom on the study, he has said think about It, for 9 months before born, we lay In the womb In water, with no EGO, only relying on God for our needs......then we are born, and parents and society take over, and then comes the "EGO". Wayne Dyers definition of EGO, "Etching God Out"... Interesting thought to me.
I think we can learn so very much from the softness and beauty of water, to me It Is the most beautiful gift In life, I feel that water Is also so taken for granted....In nature we can see the softness and beauty of water. We can learn so much from It, and use It to relax our mind as well. Understand that we can become more soft like water, Instead of hard and brittle, as we can learn to be at times, jaded, In all that goes on around us... I will post a video I came across on water and delightful music...Just for helping you heal through water~
I will also post The Summary of Wisdom Of the Tao by Wayne Dyer......this has served a tremendous purpose of meditation, understanding and healing for me since coming upon last year....It was like the Icing on the cake to me of Knowledge and understanding. Written some 25 centuries ago....Clearly similar messages written In all Holy books and Religions as well...... Interesting to me In some Religions In Baptism, Water Is used and symbolic of "To Purify" I believe water CAN PURIFY US :)
I "LOVE WATER" It Is so mysterious!!! It also must be respected as well!
Enough said, I so hope you enjoy, can relax and enjoy these beautiful videos that Inspire me...........also adding a photo of a sunrise I took In the Outer Banks Of North Carolina this past fall, one of my favorites places.. also a picture In Malibu California I took while visiting my family. Have a most beautiful weekend~Diane Masi
Photo By: ©dianemasi Outer Banks Of NC

"In this world, there is nothing softer or thinner than water. But to compel the hard and unyielding, it has no equal. That the weak overcomes the strong, that the hard gives way to the gentle -- this everyone knows. Yet no one acts accordingly."~ Lao Tzu~
"Nothing is softer or more flexible than water".....Wayne Dyer
Photo©dianemasi Malibu Beach, CA
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Thank You!
Wow I am overwhelmed with Joy, on the kind, positive feedback & emails on the Blog!!!Thank You All so much!!! You made my Day :)
Day 3 Change & Passion
Start the AM with Gratitude for the New Day......Do such small happy little thing during your work day or after work.......Make someone smile, bake a sweet treat, ask someone to lunch .........Do a tiny little something COMPLETELY different~ Go out of your way to do something nice for yourself, or another, and break the routine......If you have been In, GO OUT, If you have been out, Stay In~ No guilt, break away when you have time......move toward some small thing you have been really wanting to do, maybe to start a hobby, or a visit with a friend or Inviting someone over. When we change It up, It sometimes feels uncomfortable, but that is a GOOD thing.... maybe we take things for granted, or want things to always stay the same....Find those little things that really make you happy, just for today, In small ways...Be a tourist In your hometown after work, or on the weekend, go to a Park or a Lake or a Bookstore or Eat Ice Cream, call an old friend, or plan a nice Evening Dinner~ Take a long hot bath and relax.......or something you never take time to do :) It Is your Day To make......Practice this here and there, also be spontaneous, your heart starts to shift In the change... ©dianemasi
“Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown."
The mark of a successful man is one that has spent an entire day on the bank of a river without feeling guilty about it. ~Author Unknown
“Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown."
The mark of a successful man is one that has spent an entire day on the bank of a river without feeling guilty about it. ~Author Unknown
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Day 2 Let Go.....
Letting go seems to be the hardest task we all face In many area's, but you must learn to let go! Holding on to past hurts, Injuries, no matter how severe, we don't need....It will waste precious love and time.....This Is not to say Anger or Hurts do not surface. Example: It is pretty normal to get angry about something, so you do, release It, get over It, and move on from It quickly.....Holding on to anger only hurts you, not the person, or thing you are angry about.........Make sense? When past hurts resurface, change your thoughts, move away from It. The past WILL never change...but you have the POWER to change how you think of It......Replace those bad feelings and thoughts, with good feelings and thoughts...Do not give anything or anyone who hurt you any power over you, or your mind...release It.... Personally I've found forgiveness is the most difficult thing to do when really painful, letting go, because most (including me) thought If something or someone hurts you and you forgive them, that means you allow and acknowledge the hurt or Injury to you to be okay. NOT TRUE one bit, forgiveness Is about you healing, and letting go~ Taking back your power over those who hurt you. No matter how painful, meaning the past Is GONE, you can't change It, It will never be different~
This will be the key to finding the Passion, or the "It" on your list.......Change your thoughts, change your life! As Wayne Dyer would say! "What Joy & Peace It Brings To Let Go".....I wish this for all !!! Give yourself this gift! The only day that counts Is TODAY not YESTERDAY :) Call on your Highest Power, or beliefs, to assist you with this~
Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.
- Paul Boese
For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
-- Author Unknown
Photo I took In the OBX 10-23-10
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Day 1...Passion
Day one......How to start a new beginning......Make a choice to rid yourself of any negative people, environment's or self defeating attitudes that you can, at this moment.....Stay alone on this evening, listen to relaxing music, create a nice ambiance in your favorite room..........Light the fireplace, pretty candles, or have nice low lighting on....Relax and focus on really good thoughts of when you were happiest.........Then write down things you love, and don't love, make a list........It or not It.........what does It for you, and what does not .....What are you most passionate about??? What do you dislike the most??? Save your list~
Passion can elevate the soul~
Photo I took of the Sunset from my home 2-13-11
Passion can elevate the soul~
Photo I took of the Sunset from my home 2-13-11
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