Saturday, December 28, 2013

Dogs are miracles with paws. MY BEST FRIEND~ Diane

Photo `12-28-13 By Diane My Pup~

The Little Drummer Boy Lyrics

I have been touched by the souls of some beautiful people and I am Thankful for that~Diane Masi

Angels We Have Heard On High

STOP BLAMING YOUR PARENTS. GIVE IT UP. STOP. LET IT GO! May 30, 2012 by Kute Blackson Now. Your parents owe you nothing. They have already given you everything… Life itself. They did the best the knew how to at the time, given the resources they had. When you stop making them responsible for what you feel today, you access your power to really live. You parents OWE you nothing today. They gave you the most amazing gift of birth and life. They don’t OWE you respect, apologies or money. When you can own this, you free yourself and are no longer dependent on them for your happiness. You cut the umbilical cord and become free to create a life you choose, rather than being at the effect of your past. Each moment you hold onto resentment, anger, blame about the past, you are killing your present. What happened is done and nothing you do or say now will change what happened. It is done. Often we refuse to let go and hold onto the anger at our parents because we feel dignified in doing so. They didn’t give us what we wanted. They weren’t there for us in the way we needed. They abused us, beat us, abandoned us, manipulated us, molested us or were mean to us. Yes, you are right. They were not right or justified in what they did. However: Do you want to be right or free? Is being right making you happy? Is holding onto being right changing them? Each moment you hold onto the resentment, you keep yourself stuck in a prison of victimhood. You are not responsible for what happened to you as a child. It happened. You were young back then. But now, today, you are responsible for what you choose to do. You are responsible today as to whether you hold onto the anger or let it go. You might say “But my mother or father is wrong!” and you might be quite correct. However, you cannot change them. The only power you have is over yourself. Trying to change your parents or make them give you what you wanted is a great recipe for suffering! Living your life trying to prove how wrong they were won’t make it right. Accept what they were, are and are not.

Chris Tomlin - Hark the Herald Angels Sing - Lyrics

Pretty sure some things are unacceptable to do in life, and I think we know what they all are...Same basic life laws In every religion. If you can't feel love and goodness in your heart.Move to the Light road~ Diane Masi

Move to the Light~ Photo On my Walk today~Diane

Revisit your past only to recognize how far you have come. ~ Alan Cohen

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Pope Francis's Christmas message at St. Peter's Basilica Powerful~ Diane

Words spoken to the faithful at St. Peter's Basilica Pope Francis's first Christmas Eve Midnight Mass, in which the pontiff once again preached the importance of acceptance and humility, qualities he has continually demonstrated in his short time as head of the Catholic Church. Pope Francis spoke “You are immense, and you made yourself small, you are rich, and you made yourself poor, you are all powerful and you made yourself vulnerable,” Francis said of Jesus as he delivered his homily.

"The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light," Francis began, quoting from Isaiah, a book of the Bible that includes prophesies foretelling the birth of Jesus.

Pope Francis offered a lesson of light and love during Christmas Eve midnight Mass.

Jesus brought light and grace to the world, and that grace "made salvation possible for the whole human race," Francis said, choosing to highlight a scripture from the biblical book of Titus.
While Jesus embodied light and love, Francis said, those who hate walk in "darkness."

"If we love God and our brothers and sisters, we walk in the light; but if our heart is closed, if we are dominated by pride, deceit, self-seeking, then darkness falls within us and around us, whoever hates his brother is in the darkness’” and `”does not know the way to go, because the darkness has blinded his eyes," the pontiff said.

Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves. ~ Eric Sevareid

Sunday, December 22, 2013

I Still Believe in Santa Claus - NKOB

NKOTB-Last Night I Saw Santa Claus

The Spirit of Santa Claus The real truth about the jolly guy in the red suit. ~ Alan Cohen

YOU ARE PROBABLY FAMILIAR with the famous New York Sun editorial written by Francis P. Church to a little girl, answering, “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.” Today I would like to explain the reality of Santa Claus from a metaphysical angle.

The great illusion of life is that we are all just bodies, separate entities that go through the paces of earthly existence; we live, eat, breathe, sleep, have sex, and then die. On one level this is so―but only on the most superficial level of life. The reality of who we are runs far deeper and broader than the five senses reveal.

We are all far more spirits and ideas than bodies. When my beloved mother passed away, I gazed at her lifeless body. In that moment I realized that that body was not my mother. My mother was a spirit who loved and nurtured me, had a colorful personality, a great sense of humor, and expressed far more than a body could by itself. The body was the vehicle through which my mother functioned, but the one who directed the body was far more real and eternal than the body itself.

Santa Claus is a universal, eternal, life-giving idea. The spirit of Santa Claus is limitless, and can express through many portals simultaneously. For all the men dressed in red suits sitting on thrones in mall lobbies or ringing bells on street corners, any of them who capture and embody the spirit of Santa Claus are truly “channeling” Santa.

When you buy your children presents, lay them under the Christmas tree, and bask in their delight as they open their gifts on Christmas morning, you are a vessel through which the spirit of Santa Claus is delivering love to earth. Wherever there is love, joy, and the sincere sharing of gifts on Christmas, Santa Claus is there.

So the next time a child asks you, “Is there really a Santa Claus?” you can answer “yes” with the confidence that you might answer the question, “Do you love me?”

How can you be a vessel for the spirit of Santa Claus to bring joy and delight to the world?

I and my loved ones are spiritual beings, and as such we are limitless in power and love.

Heal Your Life~

Christmas Is Love~It should be Love In action all year round, not one season...... that is what the gift of Christmas is through Christ's Birth and Life~ Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2014 Everyone!!! Diane