Friday, July 4, 2014

Over 40 Years ago.......Worth a Listen America!!!Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

Monday, June 30, 2014

You Are So Beautiful to me. Dedicated to the only three people in my life that ever mattered to me. My children, all one could ever hope for in life!

Life can be so beautiful and simple, or complex and ugly....Its pretty simple...No life is without problems, worries, anxiety, or each own person's traumatic things of the past and fear. It is how you meet problems or people, that makes the difference. It is how you face life. For one, having faith and trust In God, also meeting people where they are, not where and what you want them to be, especially when they can't be more, or have more. Acceptance makes the difference.....If you are always expecting more than what people can give, your sure to be disappointed and are also making life complex.If you harbor hate, grudges, judgement, and hold on to pain, rather than look for goodness............. life can be ugly.......Surround yourself in Faith, embrace It, surround yourself with those who uplift you not those who destroy beauty, goodness and love......Life is precious, stay with those who are thankful for what and who you are, for those that see beauty and thankfulness in the day, and those who appreciate others, those who make life beautiful.........Time is too short not to be surrounded by, and thankful for all God has given you this day.........Simplicity is key, you only make it as hard and ugly, or as easy and beautiful as you want ©.Diane Masi

Photo By: Diane