Thursday, December 29, 2011

Auld Lang Syne

2011 In A nut shell~

I am ever so Grateful for 2011, as well as I am for most years~ Many, many great times, memories, & good people! Most have been In my life many years, and some new have entered In my life this year~ I am grateful for My Children, My Dog Pooh & Kitty Willow, my family, dear great friends & co-workers.......... whom I all love so much!

So many great memories of this year~ Awesome times, travels, with my children, family & friends..... I also have met many Inspirational contacts & wonderful sources of knowledge, people who Inspire me, whose happiness & peacefulness I adore~ I have been contacted this year by a major publisher for my book~ I have been exposed to wonderful things~ I am grateful for so much abundance In my life & I thank God everyday!

I have learned most of all a few things more.......I like to share my Happy Spirit~ ♥ ~Life Is very Precious~and Love Really does Matter most! I have no problem saying goodbye to that which does not resonate with my life, and saying hello to that which does... and I truly do not care, nor ever feel any guilt over my choices, either way~ It serves no purpose......My choices I love~I do not & will not conform Into the negative's In the outside world, ever~ I love my extremely passionate nature for everything & I love sharing it with all~

Ready to enter 2012 wholeheartedly! I love "life" & again, Thank God everyday! I am "EVER" so grateful for 2011! ♥ Looking greatly forward to 2012 and all It will bring! ♥ Diane

Ringing In 2012 With much Love, Peace, Joy & Gratefulness for all In front of me, & Wishing the same to all of you~ May love be with you & may the spirit of you be ever so strong, & with you all~ In 2012 ♥

"You can't reach for anything new If your hands are still full of yesterday's junk"~

Moon River (instrumental) - Henry Mancini

"The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best." - Epictetus

Flowers From My Daughter: Photo By: Diane