Monday, December 5, 2011

Gravity - John Mayer [Continuum]

Maybe, the most inspirational video ever . . .

The path of your soul is not in service to your career; your career is in service to the path of your soul. May you succeed In all you do~ Diane

The happiest people dont necessarily have the best of everything but they make the most of everything.

Happiness has little to do with what is going on around you, and a lot to do with what is going on inside you.

-- Alan Cohen

Photo By: Diane

Let insults wash over you, they damage the one that gives them, they are born of ignorance & will die in the fire of truth.

I never understand and never will, being In the place In which others Insult & are rude towards another....not helping, or well wishing others good. What you do comes back to you. Put good out In this world~ not negatives. Enough said~ Diane

Heart Tree Photo By; Diane