When we seek God from the inside out and we are one with God in self, beauty surrounds us in every way. When God is inside you, everything in life becomes much easier and focused when you trust in the Lord with all your heart, goals then are easier to obtain, there's no confusion or stress, tasks are easy to carry out.
You can always tell where God lives because beauty surrounds the people that he resides in, you can tell they are living in faith and trust, it radiates from the inside to the outside in their lives.....A beautiful living space, no matter how humble is an example of God radiating. People take pride where God is, as they want to do their best to make sure their surroundings are beautiful.
We must never forget our purposes in life with family and friends. We must create a little castle where ever we live, no matter what financial means we have... We can always make sure that we are creative in keeping our environment safe, clean and pleasing to be in, to help keep your heart full and your soul calm.
I look around sometimes and I see so much hurry and stress, sometimes I see very angry people, people not cherishing time or spending time with the family, not prioritizing their personal relationships or personal goals, just everything is overwhelming or chaotic, everything is a problem, everything is stressful. It doesn't take much to do the tasks at hand with a little faith and trust, and with lots of love and gratefulness you can still focus on the family or friendships and still get all the other things that you need to get done.
Creating stress, this is all so unnecessary, fill your heart and soul with love. in my life I choose not to be around anybody that has any negativity, I just pray for them and wish them well and stay around positive people.
Sometimes people forget why they've even have a family or relationships, they don't even communicate or appreciate their loved ones in a single day, they don't come from a place of gratitude so it becomes not a priority, they are not living in the present moments, they are not mindful of themselves, their surroundings or anybody else, this is truly sad and not a good place to be. Staying present in moments is key.
Creating stress, this is all so unnecessary, fill your heart and soul with love. in my life I choose not to be around anybody that has any negativity, I just pray for them and wish them well and stay around positive people.
Sometimes people forget why they've even have a family or relationships, they don't even communicate or appreciate their loved ones in a single day, they don't come from a place of gratitude so it becomes not a priority, they are not living in the present moments, they are not mindful of themselves, their surroundings or anybody else, this is truly sad and not a good place to be. Staying present in moments is key.
We only have this day in our lives are we are never promised the next, it's up to us to make it the best out of the day that is given.
We must always take responsibility for what needs to be done, and for what we are responsible for, we must take responsibility to rid ourselves of stress, through prayer mindfulness, gratitude and asking God for help...... It is essential to seek God inside our hearts and souls, as much as we need food and water, we must stay humble and also asking God for what we need, the right answer will come when we are truly speaking from our hearts
We must always take responsibility for what needs to be done, and for what we are responsible for, we must take responsibility to rid ourselves of stress, through prayer mindfulness, gratitude and asking God for help...... It is essential to seek God inside our hearts and souls, as much as we need food and water, we must stay humble and also asking God for what we need, the right answer will come when we are truly speaking from our hearts
When you seek God first even in your trials and labors, each day becomes so much easier, you remain calm and focused, you work through everything much more smoothly. Life is not perfect there are bumps in the road, but when we have faith guard shines light into our lives.....
Where God lives you don't procrastinate, blame, argue, and you don't create chaos, confusion and stress. When God resides in your heart and soul, you beautify your life by having a soul purpose and meaning. Build a life for your friends and family and for yourself, so that you can enjoy and your family has a soft safe place to rest called home. It takes less time to do things in small increments, and have small goals for each day of the week, than it does to be overwhelmed by piles's of tasks to do all at once. Pray when you're overwhelmed and God will strengthen you.
Where God lives you don't procrastinate, blame, argue, and you don't create chaos, confusion and stress. When God resides in your heart and soul, you beautify your life by having a soul purpose and meaning. Build a life for your friends and family and for yourself, so that you can enjoy and your family has a soft safe place to rest called home. It takes less time to do things in small increments, and have small goals for each day of the week, than it does to be overwhelmed by piles's of tasks to do all at once. Pray when you're overwhelmed and God will strengthen you.
Seek inside 1st and you shall find the kingdom of God! Let God reign first in your life......let him reign in your life in each and every moment, when you are mindful of God you become mindful of yourself and this helps stay present. Moments matter, they only come along once.
When you do this, I promise everything becomes successful and beautiful, your relationships and your surroundings bloom like the nature God gives us in Spring.
When you do this, I promise everything becomes successful and beautiful, your relationships and your surroundings bloom like the nature God gives us in Spring.
When God lives in your heart and soul you are not angry and chaotic and stressed, you are peaceful, grateful and filled with love, even in trials you can remain calm. That's why you can tell where God lives beauty lives.
Prayer is the most powerful weapon on this Earth! When you connect with God as one and you connect with each other on this level, and you stay in present mindfulness, we create a better minutes and moments, days, nights, weeks months, and year. When you practice gratitude, you get more, you start to see the gifts you are given ass blessings!
I hope this spring season fills you with all the beautiful things that God has given us all. May you stay grateful and present in each moment and strengthen yourself through the power of God...... find peace in your heart and soul to beautify your life, relationships and surroundings. just look around at nature and know there's something greater than yourself and when you seek and believe you will find it.
©Diane Masi 4/16/19
©Diane Masi 4/16/19