Saturday, February 4, 2012

Mandy Barnett - Beautiful Dreamer ( with lyrics )

"The minute you choose to do what you really want to do it's a different kind of life." R. Buckminster Fuller

You must dare to do what you want..........follow your truest path & dreams~ It Is a choice you make & when you do wholeheartedly~ you will see what life really Is~ It Is never a good Idea to think negatively, as In "what if's" let this not exist In your mind..... "What If" only happens If It actually takes place, other wise It Is only a thought In your mind. Why focus on negatives when everything can be turned to positive choices, and run with that~ It is all In what you choose. Have a beautiful night. Diane

Photo By: Vegas Diane

If you have never made a mistake then it means you have never tried something new.

Helicopter ride to Grand Canyon~Photo By: Diane

Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you'll never, ever have enough. -Oprah

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Madonna - La Isla Bonita

Some fun music...... for February the love month! Dance!

* I have nothing more to give you than my heart. ~ Spanish saying ~

Once you have learned to love, you will have learned to live.

Photo By: Diane

“There is no remedy for love than to love more. ~ Henry David Thoreau”

Be so firm In your Joy that no one can ever take It from you.....some people may try & rattle you, we are In fact human so they may disturb you for a moment, but regroup & always take your power back never let anyone try to make you unhappy......every relationship that does not work. leads us to the one that does...Be thankful for every relationship. for It allows you to spiritually grow.....even the hard ones, for they force change, this takes you to a path of what Is good for you, and what your heart desires. We need all relationships to grow :) We all need love ♥ Diane

Don Williams -- I Believe In You

This magical song was released In 1980, Don Williams was born In 1939...........Now this is some DANG great old soul music ♥ I Believe In You..........wishing songs these days were more about magic, love & real life :) Happy Love Month! Diane

Tuesday, January 31, 2012