We must have faith, and hold It in our hearts deeply, in order for our truest wishes for ourselves, and others, to come true.....Faith Is the glue that binds us to God. In moments of pure trials and pain, we must seek God to see us through It. When we reach to the very bottom depths of our souls, crying out In pain, we must ask God to help us release It, especially when we feel It is unbearable, or to painful to feel. Sometimes painful moments that surface from the present moment, or past, we need to bravely walk through. We must at times feel our pain to cleanse us. When we seek God to carry us through these moments of pain, he will. Sometimes we repent, regret, or are sad over events that happened, some may have been completely beyond our control at the time, for whatever reason. Looking back at times, we can feel in hindsight we wished we handled a situation or life event better..... but we can't change the past. With help from God, we can reach In bravely, and gut wrench cleanse our souls to free us from the painful memory's.....When these moments pass on, they may return again, but once again we ask God for the strength each and every-time to get us through It, no matter how often It appears. We hold dreams and wishes of our life In our hearts and mind, sometimes dreams are shattered momentarily, irreparable harm Is done, for some people can be cruel and unkind. Some can Interfere with our good lives, wishes and Intention for our children, their lives, our family, others, or ourselves.....Sometimes we just can't control or predict bad things that can, or have happened~ Sadly In life, not all people are good, most people are, but again, some not. Lao Tso said " What Is a good man, but a bad mans teacher"~ We must never let an evil man destroy our hearts, souls, mind or lives. We must never take on what a sad state of evil some are, or surround ourselves with evils they try to give us, we then continue live their evil, that was never ours.... We must have a rock solid fortress of FAITH, that can never be shaken. We must learn also forgive ourselves of what we did not understand, and be gentle to our hearts, and just let go of some events. Once pain is cleansed and we lament, cleansing and tears will heal. We by faith can provide our lives, souls and hearts on a greater, happier journey~ By living in sync with our hearts wish, by continuing to stay connected to our faith In God, we will be lead soul-wise, on our truest path of insurmountable joys, and this will rise us up to greater heights of our souls original wishes.... Our wishes will once again prevail, and we will feel gratitude and joy on a deeper heart and soul level. Faith and trust In God leads to know we do have the strength to carry onward, and continue on to our wishes for life, that lay deep In our hearts. Life Is really good, we must grieve and let the bad things go. May no one interfere with your life or happiness~ With God as your fortress, your wishes will again come true In every way. Pain does heighten joy, this is part of life, unfortunately for some harder than others. We all as human spirits, feel pain. We all have wishes. I wish love and happiness to all of you, and may your all your dreams and each and every "WISH" come true ♥ Diane Masi

Photo October 1st 2012 By: Diane "When you reach Inward to feel the pain, your faith In God allows the beauty once again to arise~ For me my faith brings me out of the depths, to once again to enjoy every beautiful moment In the faces of those I love, a glorious sunset, or the freedom again to enjoy my dance and music..... these are some things that beautify my soul" ♥ Diane Masi