Friday, August 19, 2022

The Homeless

Something hit me in the heart, very deeply in the heart today and very profoundly to the point of tears. A fairly young man maybe in his late twenties or early thirties with two dogs, a bowl and a jug of water that he's clearly been using over and over again, like an old milk jug, filling it somewhere he can access water.It was sweltering hot and he was on the pavement very unclean and unshaved in ragged clothes. I've always been one of those people since a young child wishing I could solve the world's problems.It's always affected me very deeply from a very young age when something is wrong or someone was in need. I myself always fed every kid in the neighborhood whose parents did not feed them and even those that did have food at home, were still welcome to food as well. If I had it I gave it. I have found out over and over again later in life people have reached out to me when I needed something and didn't always have it anymore.I would think to myself what did I ever do for someone to be so kind to me. Even though I had my ups and downs in life financially, It was a good life basically. I had a skills from a technical school to sustain a living. It wasn't easy, you only made money when you worked. No sick days, no vacation days, no 401K, no retirement plan, no health insurance. These things have to be done on your own back, and you sure had to do a lot of work just to survive if you were working on your own.. Being homeless was always the biggest fear in my mind, especially being a single Mom raising a family. There were good times and bad times, but the priority was always to keep a roof over our heads. I consider and I'm extremely grateful that I was very blessed to thrive survive and have many good blessings in my life.Some are so unfortunate that they aren't able to do this at all. They don't have the love and support of a family. My heart ached for this man today as I reached in my wallet to give him a few dollars. I have limited means myself right now in my older age, no longer able to work as I did for 47 years. But I felt a great need to give him something. People will say maybe he's a drug addict or an alcoholic and I don't know that for sure. whatever the case, he sure looked hungry. As I handed him a few dollars, I told him "I hope God will bless you" and he wished that back to me. When I got home I prayed that many people will stop and give him an abundance of money, and lots of food for him and his dogs can be purchased. I prayed he would get more money than I could give him. I could not give more myself. as I drove away I completely broke down in tears. The thought of so many people and animals living on the streets hungry is just heartbreaking. and the threat that looms for many people of losing everything is a reality everyday.There are many people that live pay to pay and one job loss or one unfortunate event can cause them to be homeless. I constantly pray for the end of hunger, war, poverty, homelessness, violence and suffering of people and animals. I pray that one day we will find peace across this world and share all good things that we have, starting with love and compassion. I like many have seen this many times in a week where somebody is out begging for something, If I have it I will give something. Sometimes I say I hope you're not using the money for drugs or alcohol. Today I did not. Something in my heart told me this man was in desperation with these two pups. I'm hoping my prayers are answered and he received an abundance of money to get food and shelter for the night for him and his dogs. I hope one day he is restored to a normal life, as I wish for all the people living on the streets. May they know the comfort of warm food in their belly, a warm or cool home, depending on the weather. a soft bed to fall in and a place to dream.That's all I can say about this today. It hurt and touched my heart in a deep way. Be grateful for what you have always and never look down on another. You don't know their circumstances. Even people with labor skills can only use their backs so many hours a day to make money and survive in this world. Be kind. My wish is that each of you are grateful for every sunrise and sunset. I wish all to have a roof over your heads and an abundance of food. May your family and children be safe, and your pets too. May you come to know the love and blessings of God.