Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Come Thou Fount - Paul Cardall

Psalm 91: Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”

Whenever we need an answer it is there. No matter what the situation, our higher self knows exactly what is best for us. The spirit within is there for us, always. We just have to acknowledge it, praise it, thank it, and know everything is all right now.

“ The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious of the rose. ” Kahlil Gibran (1883–1931)

Each of us brings to the world unique talents, gifts and abilities. No one can do what you do exactly the way you do it. Even if you don't know what it is, or value what you do, someone, somewhere, will benefit from your presence.~

It's not who you know - it's who knows you~ Brian Gordon "A connection who isn't interested in connecting beyond hitting the 'accept as friend' button is not adding any business value to a network. As professionals though, it is important to know who is in your network and who you can turn to for advice. In short, it is necessary to identify who knows you. Mr. Gordon also notes that, just as in the days before Facebook, to build a real relationship, you will have to take the connection offline.

“The only way to get what you really want is to let go of what you don't want.” ― Iyanla Vanzant

My Pup Pooh! Best thing!

If people and events can determine your happiness, they can determine your unhappiness. Determine your own happiness, and people and events will take care of themselves.

-- Alan Cohen

Wisdom for Today

Monday, February 20, 2012


True wisdom and insight is always free.

Give your power over to no one.

Going into the unknown is how you expand what is known.

Get a library card.

Spend more time around people that both challenge and respect you.

Fight for what matters.

There is a method that works. Find it.

Drink your coffee black.

Read more. Especially things you disagree with.

Get used to feeling stupid. It’s a sign of growth.

It’s easy for people to talk a good game, so watch how they behave instead.
Learn something from everyone.

Find things that inspire you and pursue them, even if there’s no money in it.

Starve if you have to, for as long as you need to.

Survive on a little just to prove you can do it.

Do what you say you’ll do.

Be comfortable with abandonment, even of parts of your identity.

Learn a new language.

Eat more protein.

Keep people around you that will tell you the truth.

Meet new people as often as possible. Offer to help them.

Don’t discriminate. Connect anyone in your network to anyone else.

Nobody likes a know-it-all.

Get a passport. Fill it up with stamps no one has ever seen.

Quit your horrible job.

Read biographies. It’s like having access to the best mentors in history.

Go to bed, and wake up, early. No one will bother you, letting your best work emerge.

Scare yourself a little bit every day. It will expand your inner map.

Learn to climb trees.

Don’t buy a lot of stuff, and only buy the stuff you really love.

Be humble and curious.

Be as useful as you can in as many circumstances as possible.

Show up.

Repeat people’s names when you meet them.

Make your home a place where you feel safe.

Always remember those who helped you. Deliver two or three times as much value back. But also, help people who have never helped you, and can’t.

Commit to things, regularly, that are far beyond your ability.

Meet with friends more often than you think you have to.

Learn to meditate. Go on a retreat if you have to.

Your stories are both more and less interesting than you think.
Learn to really listen.

Walk more.

Be beautiful.

Get to know your neighbors.

Don’t take anything personally, ever.

Go to lots of conferences.

As soon as you can, buy some art.

Apologize more than you need to.

A good haircut changes everything....

Say no to projects you don’t care about.

Do things that are uncool. Later on, they usually end up becoming cool anyway.

Find your voice.

Have manners.

Learn to play chess,It will keep you from going senile

Don’t ever cheat people.

Be like Jesus.

At least once, date someone that Is very different from you.

Examine your jealousy. You’ll learn a lot about yourself.

Good connections are about people, not "social networks."

Address small problems. They will become big problems.

Dress like a cooler version of yourself.

Be an adventurer.

If the internet is the best thing in your life, you have a serious problem.

Give away your best work for free.

Find mentors.

Learn how to speak in public.

If you see someone who needs help, stop asking yourself if they need help. Instead, just help.

Bring a bottle of wine.

The best conversations are had side by side, not one in front of the other.

Protect your hearing. Trust me~

Do what’s most important first thing in the morning, before you check email.

Everyone feels like they’re not good enough. It’s not just you....

Have Courage, learn this skill.

Be humble~

Trust God, allow him In your heart!

Forgive first~

Laugh much~

Sing Loud~

Dance, dance, dance~

Love with your whole heart & soul It Is the only thing that really matters.....It’s worth it~

In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity. Albert Einstein

A year from now you may wish you had started today.

Photo Santa Monica Beach: Diane

The Carpenters - Sing ( legendado )