You can see God In a Daisy, when you have faith~ The daisy Is filled with all good white light, each petal representing the goodness God brings to your world when you are in the light of God~ The center represents the grounding God keeps your world in when you look to him as the center, through faith and prayer. Life can be full of light and bring much goodness, just like the many petals that bring beauty to the Daisy. Keep centered on God as your core, just as the center of the Daisy.....You need to search and look no further than Faith, for any answer. You will always find what you need when you ask God, and keep him as the center~ Life will branch out In white light petals, just like a beautiful Daisy. Have Faith, celebrate your talents, life & victories...Have no fears, let go of the past, build a future of faith and trust. Your life will then flourish, just like the Beautiful Daisy. Diane Masi
Photo By: Diane Masi~ I love Daisy's In my home.