Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Pandemic: We are all in this together.

The Pandemic: We are all in this together. All across the globe we are in this pandemic together. We share equal responsibility individually as humans to protect all lives, well one would hope that all are. Kudos to the many individuals across the world that have taken precautions to save other lives. Shame on those whose selfishly~willingly or unwillingly had people die from covid-19 because of their own selfishness. May God have mercy on you and your self-centeredness. Heartfelt prayers and condolences to those who couldn't see their Parents or loved ones and watched them die alone with strangers. The ones that stood outside facilities waving, sending kisses or talking on a cell phones to their loved ones In hopes they would one day see them again, but sadly did not. Many thanks to the brave men and women who tirelessly and endlessly worked and are still working to save lives. The ones that watched many people take their last breath. The ones that were there holding the phones so a dying patient could speak to their loved ones. The ones that watched piles of body bags line up in trucks of people that couldn't survive Covid. They saw their patients die, they saw their colleagues die. Many suffered and survived Covid themselves but are living with the repercussions of the illness themselves. Cheers to the Moms of 2020 and 2021 who had to bravely give birth alone, or at some point even if their partners were allowed to go their families were not. Cheers to these Moms who had to stay in the house alone with a newborn, They couldn't take the baby out or have visitors in. Great grandparents and many grandparents and friends and family couldn't see or hold the new babies. Heartfelt love and prayers to the elderly that sat alone and frightened in a nursing home for a year, unable to see their loved ones. We are all in this together. We wear masks, we social distance, we stay in to protect all lives unselfishly for the care of all human life. Others have refused to help save lives. They have gone about their business, not a care in the world or concern for another human being. They've had parties, traveled, gone out and about everywhere with no concern that they may be carrying the virus to someone's loved one. Somebody may have lost their life because of their selfishness. What a shame, because we're all in this together. Just as we are all in it together to provide love and peace on the planet. You may say people can die of the flu, cancer or get hit by a car as an excuse, so you can selfishly go on living your life and disregarding other lives. Personally and responsibly I much rather save somebody's loved one or my own. I along with most of the population gladly gave up a year with many loved ones outside of their circle or area, in hopes of having a future with all loved ones, God willing. That's the risk I personally choose to take, as many, many people across the world have. I'd like to think I'm not so selfish that I would risk the lives of others by being irresponsible. We don't have to stop living entirely, but we had to curb what we do, we were all responsible for taking many precautions. There are so many people across this world that have not seen their loved ones, parents, brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, grandchildren and great-grandchildren unselfishly. There are so many people that never got to say goodbye or have a proper send off for their loved ones. They couldn't kiss them goodbye or even grieve and mourn properly. Some people use the excuses of why they don't stop living. If you knew you were going to get the flu, or cancer, or be in a car accident, you would take every precaution in the world to prevent it from ever happening. We KNOW about covid-19. We are responsible for preventing that spread as best we can. Of course life can deal many blows naturally, but that's on God's time, not ours. God gives us free will.... Our job as human beings is to prevent the transmission of this virus to SAVE LIVES. In the United States alone we have lost a half a million people. To someone here and around the world, each of those lives lost mattered greatly. You can believe it's political or rationalize your irresponsible behavior away, but we as a whole across the globe know the truth. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they say. We are all in this together. May you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy. May you take every precaution you can. We cannot let our guards down now. We can't risk being irresponsible so that more lives are lost~ each life matters. We are all in this together. ❣️ ©dianemasi Landslide Of Love February 23~2021 Please feel free to share. ❤️