Saturday, March 3, 2012

Debby Boone - You light up my Life

Enjoy! You all light up my life!

Glen Campbell - Wichita Lineman (With Lyrics)

Great Song! Enjoy!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Jessica Latshaw~the day I met you

This Is soul music! Diane

never a dull moment on the nyc subway~Jessica Latshaw

This Is why I ♥ NYC always entertainment & talent In the subways! This‎ is an example of what music truly is about.... turning the mundane and boring, the crowded and uncomfortable into something joyous and memorable.... God given talent to bring joy to others hearts and souls through music~ Just amazing talent :) I appreciate this kinda soul, my Father & was a musician & had soul talent, my daughter Is & does too!!! Love great music!Diane

Monday, February 27, 2012

"I feel the beauty of getting older Is facing life's truth's, bravely, with whole heart & soul meaning............this Is amazing Grace" ~Diane Masi

Truth: speaking It, knowing It, accepting It, feeling It are the joyful life treasures, the amazing Grace of life. Repressing anything you want to say Is never good, however seeking truth, lining up with the acceptance of what lies within you, Is the beautiful part of age & wisdom. Have you found truth? If you were gone tomorrow would you have felt, said, showed all you wanted to If you knew there would never be a tomorrow? Is your mind sending out your best wishes to others? Would you be ready to meet your God? Are you at peace with all......Never leave unfinished business & truths. Are you ready at this moment to let go of all that Is not pure truth,do you hold In, live In fear, or do you really display the love & truth In your heart? You may never have this moment to say or try It again. Be Brave.

I love life & hope for many, many more wonderful, joyful, beautiful days because I know abundant joy, gratitude, pure love, peace In my heart & soul....the thing I love about aging, I leave no stone unturned..........those I love know It........They know my love & Truth....If there were never another day....I know that I have already spoke It, felt It, accepted It....I am so very grateful for the new day & I live In hopes of many more wonderful, joyful, peaceful, loving tomorrows. ♥ Diane Masi 2-27-12

Photo By: Diane Trees...Bare & Evergreen

We don't grow older, we grow riper. ~ Pablo Picasso

My bud Pooh~Yesterday By: Diane

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. ~ Pablo Picasso

Photo Yesterday By: Diane

I Don't Know How To Love Him (Jesus Christ Superstar - 1973)