Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 3 Change & Passion

Start the AM with Gratitude for the New Day......Do such small happy little thing during your work day or after work.......Make someone smile, bake a sweet treat, ask someone to lunch .........Do a tiny little something COMPLETELY different~ Go out of your way to do something nice for yourself, or another, and break the routine......If you have been In, GO OUT, If you have been out, Stay In~ No guilt, break away when you have time......move toward some small thing you have been really wanting to do, maybe to start a hobby, or a visit with a friend or Inviting someone over. When we change It up, It sometimes feels uncomfortable, but that is a GOOD thing.... maybe we take things for granted, or want things to always stay the same....Find those little things that really make you happy, just for today, In small ways...Be a tourist In your hometown after work, or on the weekend, go to a Park or a Lake or a Bookstore or Eat Ice Cream, call an old friend, or plan a nice Evening Dinner~ Take a long hot bath and relax.......or something you never take time to do :) It Is your Day To make......Practice this here and there, also be spontaneous, your heart starts to shift In the change... ©dianemasi

“Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown."

The mark of a successful man is one that has spent an entire day on the bank of a river without feeling guilty about it. ~Author Unknown

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