Something very profound I studied this year was Wayne Dyer's summary of the Tao Te Ching.....In hearing Wayne Dyer's wisdom on the study, he has said think about It, for 9 months before born, we lay In the womb In water, with no EGO, only relying on God for our needs......then we are born, and parents and society take over, and then comes the "EGO". Wayne Dyers definition of EGO, "Etching God Out"... Interesting thought to me.
I think we can learn so very much from the softness and beauty of water, to me It Is the most beautiful gift In life, I feel that water Is also so taken for granted....In nature we can see the softness and beauty of water. We can learn so much from It, and use It to relax our mind as well. Understand that we can become more soft like water, Instead of hard and brittle, as we can learn to be at times, jaded, In all that goes on around us... I will post a video I came across on water and delightful music...Just for helping you heal through water~
I will also post The Summary of Wisdom Of the Tao by Wayne Dyer......this has served a tremendous purpose of meditation, understanding and healing for me since coming upon last year....It was like the Icing on the cake to me of Knowledge and understanding. Written some 25 centuries ago....Clearly similar messages written In all Holy books and Religions as well...... Interesting to me In some Religions In Baptism, Water Is used and symbolic of "To Purify" I believe water CAN PURIFY US :)
I "LOVE WATER" It Is so mysterious!!! It also must be respected as well!
Enough said, I so hope you enjoy, can relax and enjoy these beautiful videos that Inspire me...........also adding a photo of a sunrise I took In the Outer Banks Of North Carolina this past fall, one of my favorites places.. also a picture In Malibu California I took while visiting my family. Have a most beautiful weekend~Diane Masi
Photo By: ©dianemasi Outer Banks Of NC

"In this world, there is nothing softer or thinner than water. But to compel the hard and unyielding, it has no equal. That the weak overcomes the strong, that the hard gives way to the gentle -- this everyone knows. Yet no one acts accordingly."~ Lao Tzu~
"Nothing is softer or more flexible than water".....Wayne Dyer
Photo©dianemasi Malibu Beach, CA
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