Thursday, December 31, 2015

Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me - To my amazing family! Happy New Year!!!

Gladys Knight - The Way We Were

Monday, December 14, 2015

Let There Be Peace on Earth

I love the magic of the Christmas season ...walking seeing all the twinkling lights, the beautiful trees, the warm feelings of knowing what a special time it is for us celebrating with family and friends, some are here among us, others are only memories now, but you feel their presence around you especially at this time. Isn't it wonderful to sing Christmas songs your parents, grandparents, great grandparents and ancestors sang, you share that even in death... Christmas time is traditions, beauty, peace and love, a gift given through Christ's life... long ago. Not a made up story, a real story. A story to enrich our lives, one of hope, faith, love, joy, peace and the gift of family and friends. Christ came to teach us how to live by his birth and death, how to live peacefully in a world of violence. God could not understand why people lived in hate so he sent an example to teach. Living in a world where violence is coming strong again, hold fast to the Christmas story and the hopes for a better world, one of peace. We are without God in many areas, so stand strong in your faith, living in joy and harmony in all your dealings with others, don't let the hate and violence take your joy and the beauty of this magical season away. God created hope through Christ's birth and message. Light overpowers darkness. It warms my heart to see everyone' s family's and friendships and the love shared...We all long for peace and goodness in our lives. Christmas starts December 24th for 12 days! I am wishing all my family and friends a beautiful, joyous season, one of hope for a better world that starts with us, the gift of the message the baby in the manger gave us long ago..... Wanted to take the time to wish you all a magical, peaceful and beautiful CHRISTMAS season~ Keep following that North Star, you will never get lost in any nation! Oh hear the Angels sing! Many blessings! © Diane Masi December 14th 2015

Cameron's interview - CANADA - #HUMAN

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Sister Act- I Will Follow Him! Gotta Love this! Chuckle for the night, double dose of cuteness! Diane!

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthen's me." Philippians 4:13 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. ~Proverbs

Photo: Copyright Diane Masi 2015

John Lennon - Imagine

Life is wonderful, beautiful, surprising and precious! Don't you love being surrounded by all God gives you in this magnificent gift of life, no matter how great or small. Don't you love being surrounded by those who bring joy, those who uplift, show kindness, goodness and bring laughter? We need to keep ourselves in constant Faith, we must choose to relish the good and learn from what is not. Cherish moments, they pass quickly in our short time here. I love to inspire others to know beauty and bring peace to their heart, soul and world. Faith is powerful and the greatest source we have! Sing more, dance more, love more, hug more, read lots, bake, cook, drink tea, make your favorite coffee, relish friendships. What wonder there is in the simple small things. Appreciate your family, give your parents and children all your love, treat your animals like family too! Hold tight to Faith, Hope and Love..........Be grateful what you have...........big or small. Show kindness, respect yourself and others and value your tree of life giving moments~ Hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL week! ©Diane Masi 2015

Photo: ©Diane Masi 2015

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Last Time From the moment you hold your baby in your arms, you will never be the same. You might long for the person you were before, When you have freedom and time, And nothing in particular to worry about. You will know tiredness like you never knew it before, And days will run into days that are exactly the same, Full of feedings and burping, Nappy changes and crying, Whining and fighting, Naps or a lack of naps, It might seem like a never-ending cycle. But don’t forget … There is a last time for everything. There will come a time when you will feed your baby for the very last time. They will fall asleep on you after a long day And it will be the last time you ever hold your sleeping child. One day you will carry them on your hip then set them down, And never pick them up that way again. You will scrub their hair in the bath one night And from that day on they will want to bathe alone. They will hold your hand to cross the road, Then never reach for it again. They will creep into your room at midnight for cuddles, And it will be the last night you ever wake to this. One afternoon you will sing “the wheels on the bus” and do all the actions, Then never sing them that song again. They will kiss you goodbye at the school gate, The next day they will ask to walk to the gate alone. You will read a final bedtime story and wipe your last dirty face. They will run to you with arms raised for the very last time. The thing is, you won’t even know it’s the last time Until there are no more times. And even then, it will take you a while to realize. So while you are living in these times, remember there are only so many of them and when they are gone, you will yearn for just one more day of them. For one last time. -Author Unknown-

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Happy Spring!

On my way home from work Friday the sun was beaming after the storms and I was admiring every lawn brightly shining green on my drive home......... I was thinking how quickly the light of spring turns all to beauty. Today I got up and saw budding trees and was thinking how wonderful light is over darkness both in spirit and world...Well I finished my weekend watching OWN and of course Oprah touched on Spring and the segment I watched was on keeping the darkness out of your spirit (which I happened to be thinking of in the analogy of spring and light all weekend)............
Happy Spring! Diane Masi