Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 19 Positivity~

Stay focused on the positive, surround yourself with good readings, music, people or Inspirations.....Especially when It Is time to unwind, keep positivity around you! If you want change In your heart and soul, stay focused on wondrous things to elevate the mood.

If you constantly put on the TV with news and surround with bad vibes, take a break from that from time to time....Positive Radio, Uplifting things, PBS also has amazing stories about people who created positive changes In your area, state or Country, that you may never have known their contributions, to where you live, and your life, and can be so Inspiring~

Example: I just watched a wonderful story about a gentle man Maurice K. Goddard who lived his whole life In my State, to conserve and build parks, I never even heard of this man, and his story really did deserve to be heard. This man gave his whole being to everyone, the gift of conserving nature, and creating a park for people within 25 miles of every area~ Very Inspiring! Learn a new positive thing today and surround yourself with It!

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