"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference." ~Robert Frost
The Human heart can be a frail thing, and face It sometimes things or situations hurt, but only for a period of time.....When you are making positive choices for yourself, you must let go of the outcome on the other side....The what If's, what will happen etc. You must follow your Internal gut, and have much faith for positive change.
We all have a strong internal gut telling ourselves whether something Is right, or just not right for us. When you weigh the situation In your mind (or on paper) of positive, or negatives, and go with your internal gut, with much openness to faith.......you are on your way to good decisions, eliminating something you feel Is wrong for you. It may not always easy for you to decide. In deciding If something is right or wrong for you, you must be open to positive change, trust God & your own judgment. If you are following your best decisions, you will find your road, passion, direction to what is the greatest life for you :)
Some things In life are already In place by God we have no choice. Some are lessons and roads to lead us to our ultimate purpose and wishes fulfilled. Some roads we need to choose within what Is placed before us.......If we are going against our better judgment and choosing to stay with something that you feel will hurt you, you are on the wrong road. God does not want you on the wrong road~ Delaying or choosing to Ignore signs, or worrying what the outcome will be, or not wanting to hurt......Will only really In the long term, prolong the hurting of yourself, If It Is not good, wise, or healthy decision for you.
It Is hard to make decisions at times, let your faith, trust and inner guidance of what you truly want In your life, be your decision maker. Let go of the outcome, of what will happen, TRUST..... Sometimes deciding wisely, will lead you to a better road of health and happiness.
Choose what Is best for you. To obtain the life you want, you must align with the truths of what you seek In your heart and soul. Then all will fall into place for you. In time, If you place yourself to be open to possibilities of what you want, God will help you get what you need. You must put yourself there first and be open to It! You must decide, the life you want to live. Hard as It may be.........decide. For me, My Faith In God has sustained me, and helped me with hard decisions, I hope for this day, healthy decisions for you~ You must be able to decide, live with It, and certainly not look back, whatever the outcome~ Diane
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