Thursday, September 29, 2011

The gift In strangers.....A Day at the Park April 2010 & Elderly Inspirations ~

Early In April of 2010 I was visiting my favorite park where I take my pup for his outings, & want to share a few Photographs & memory's of that early spring day. Actually was a prior main page photo Is from that ordinary, but remarkable day that the sun formed a heart In the trees, which I did not know until that evening when I put the photos on the computer, It was a great surprise! I was just laying on a bench upside down taking the sun through the about to bud trees....But a heart came up & I new It was some sign from God, that extraordinary love was coming ahead, and all around me, I know for sure, It was a clear sign. The photo & the sign, happened a year prior to the Idea of my blog.

On that day my dog & I had a exceptionally nice time, we walked, lazed around, watched the ducks, the dog lie In the sun, and I chatted up with two elderly couples that we met, (you will see In the photos below,) while Pooh (you will also see In the Photo's) listened intently to their voices, & he was very gentle with both couples. I asked could I take their pictures after each talk.

This first couple on the bench, the gentleman was blind he & his wife had been married since very young, they talked of their lives, children & pets that they had, & how even, though he could not see, he remembers the beauty of the park just by feeling & smelling It & the memories he had from when he could see....They go daily when It Is warm & just enjoy each other & good times. They sat with my dog and enjoyed him & he especially was gentle & kind, as he usually Is apprehensive when meeting strangers....He felt the love of the elderly couple. I asked how did you make It so long together? The gentleman replied: we made a good life & home, I was glad to have It, we came from hard days,everyone has hard times, we had love, communication, trust. The woman replied & giggled with the sheepish look of a child on her face: Oh, I just love him & always have been happy...Very Inspiring, I so enjoyed meeting them.

The second couple standing In this photo, upon meeting Pooh & I, the gentleman tipped his hat at me immediately upon us approaching each other, (as you notice It Is still off In the pic) & he did not put It back on until parting, and his back was turned while walking away. It just warmed my heart, the last generation that knows the lost art of respect..... I thanked him, & acknowledged that he did this. I told him how my Step father Ray who had passed did this as well, and also did not leave a ball cap on at a dinner table, nor allowed the grandchildren too either, and that My own Father only wore them to ball games....The gentleman I had just met told me It Is out of respect for a woman, He told me some young guys these days do not know what respect & honor Is, he said he survived & served two wars, he told how much he valued having his life, wife, & his health. He told me tid bits of his life, all that I can't remember, but he & his wife left a mark on me, that I will remember. The gentleman & his wife told me of all the different dogs they have had, they adored & played with my pup Pooh. I asked how they lasted so long together as a couple? He said you have to love, value & respect what you have In life, She said: I thank God everyday for having him, we enjoy one another, you've got to love & laugh alot.. you could definitely see & feel the love In their presence. Very Inspiring~ I so enjoyed meeting them as well.

So WONDERFUL to have met these elders that early spring day In the park, watching them so enjoying their lives at an older age.... Somethings I took In from these brief encounters; Others can have hard lives & survive, to have respect, value & happiness with what you have, (It Is something I see lacking In today's world) That an era gone by men, had more value for women, and women valued themselves..That women loved their men, & men must have been happy to have a woman, (guessing cause were not putting themselves out there freely, with lack of respect & dignity for themselves) They both expected appreciation, gave & received It. In essence, It must have taught men to not disrespect a women, and women to appreciate their men.... Women had self worth, knew It, & men honored It....Imagine that...Not d-valuing anyone~ but creating a life, and a long one together. I learned from them that a life, health, a spouse, a happy home, children and pets mattered. I especially learned that each day needs to be embraced for the beauty you can find In It, including tipping your hat In respect, passing thoughts, kind words & sharing with others.....

In the end It Is really was about getting through hard times appreciating what you have even with trials, meeting life and togetherness with Joy, Laughter and most of all.... LOVE~ You never know what you can learn from meeting new people, or what you can see In the eyes and the heart of a stranger~ Diane

My dog Pooh chillin with the Elders & listening Intently too, If you notice :)

Oh I love Nature.....

The Quacks~

All Photos By Diane Masi 4-2010

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