Sunday, November 6, 2011

"We must start with the heart and Soul"............Diane Masi

We must prompt change with a "Start In the Heart & Soul" It Is within us not to get caught up In all bad trends, rude behaviors happening in this world, and going on all around us, that being said: we are not to criticize and judge others either, each person lives and makes their own choices. What we can do Is isolate our hearts and souls from behaviors and environments that do not match our own, we do not have to be like and accept all this unkind, unloving, un-true attitudes and lifestyles. In our current cultures am witnessing people so caught up in In-humane attitudes towards living things, and others..... that are mind blowing~ Greed, selfishness, destruction of others, lack of empathy, sarcasms, criticisms, many pure evils for personal gain regardless of whom they are hurting to get It.

You can't take things with you when you leave this world, and sure It is nice to have things, however not when you are In-humane towards others to gain them and are only focused on them. Keeping yourself In tune with good judgment, & In sound moral values & your personal belief systems that are In line with the heart & soul~ Is really what counts In living and creating a better world and contributing to a better culture.

I realize It Is very hard to move away from the influence of the new cultures, however you can do It, and if you want pure joy, love, passion and enthusiasm, you must create your own boundaries In your world, starting with your own heart & soul. I personally do this, do and have always kept myself In a separate mindset & have refused my whole life to participate, succumb & join In on attitudes & behaviors that do not match my own moral compass of love, goodness, kindness, joy & enthusiasm.......I did not In the past & will not ever today or any day join the masses of a world caught up In evils that are beyond belief. Diane Masi

Photo: By Diane Sunrise 11-4-11 Start of my day on the road by Diane

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