Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas, Gratefulness, the only day the world truly stops to reflect on Peace, Family, Joy, Love ♥

Christmas Is a time we celebrate the mysteries surrounding Christ's Birth. We Celebrate the gift of messages hidden In Christ's birth, He signifies ~ Peace, Hope, Love and Joy. We celebrate the wisdom of the Wise men, the New Year, the Shining Star of the East, and what messages were given to us, through the Birth of Jesus, and what It has taught us... Jesus came from God to deliver a message of ~HOPE~ PEACE~ and ~LOVE~ to us. Jesus the Prince of Peace came to earth to give us this Important message that "The Kingdom of God lies within" Open your heart and allow God In, Miracles happen when you are open to receiving God and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ the King came Into the world and lead by example to teach us to end violence, hate, oppression, and judgment of others......He came to teach us that only Love, Truth, and Peace matter. "The Truth shall set you free" I believe we find Peace, when we seek the truth within, when we align with the Truth's In our Heart and Souls, of what we really want & need.

Most important In preparing for Christmas Is to cleanse our heart & soul to prepare for the gift of Truth and Light. When you cleanse, and fill yourself with God, and allow him Into your heart, you will find the God within....

"Seek and Thee shall find" Allow God to come In through Christ's messages~ when you allow & Trust, and cleanse the heart & soul of bad negative thoughts~ all Good comes, then we can better focus on the True meaning of Joy and Peace that Christmas brings. This gift gives you pure pleasure to spend time sharing, giving, loving with family and friends.

Christmas Is the only day we can stop and shut out the outside world and focus on those we love.... When you practice examining yourself, your own heart and soul, you cleanse and better understand others. & contribute to all.....Place God In your HEART and do your part to help give your Individual choice of spreading Love & Joy out Into the the world.

Let Us be ever so grateful for the message delivered to us In Christ's Birth & Life, one that is of Peace, Hope, Love and Joy that came through him, It leads us to God's immense Grace~ and most Important the God within...Let us be ever so grateful for all we have everyday, and relish day by day all year. "Let Christmas live In your heart all year long."

Let us "NEVER" forget those who suffer from war, separation from families, hatred, violence, poverty, and oppression. Pray for them, and do your part to bring Love, Joy & Peace to those less fortunate, and those around you, It Is the greatest gift In sharing.

May Christ's messages given by his Birth and life live through, and In all of you.... May you and your families have the most precious Christmas, may you all enjoy the messages and the gift of "Love" along with all the treasures, presents & goodies, Joy's and celebrations. Merry Christmas...Peace, Hope, Love ♥ Diane Masi
Come Let Us adore him~ Oh come Oh Come Emmanuel~

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