Friday, January 27, 2012

Live In God and He In Thee......Live In light, and may the "Force" always be with you :) ©Diane Masi

I choose to live In God & He In me, "no one" can take this force away from you............. I choose to live In light over darkness~ Each & everyday we encounter or witness light & dark In the world, and In some Individuals we see happiness or hatred, I call happiness light, hatred dark.. I choose to never let people who live In darkness take away or block my light...... Some people try to rob you of your joy, or "can't stand the light"..... they live & thrive In the darkness, and some are so hateful or manipulative, they may try & cast a brief shadow.... but the "Light from God" Is to bright Inside and around, so they can't cast It for long, the shadow they try to cast, goes away....

The force of the light of God In & around you, Is much to powerful to cast shadows on~ Some people choose to thrive In evil & darkness, they may try and anger or manipulate you, they may cast shadow for a quick moment......but you see through... by light & truth, If they give you grief, you certainly can tell them like It is "good or bad", quickly release your anger they try & stir. Move far, far away from the darkness or people of darkness (so to speak) ever so swiftly, and with light you will, effortlessly.

Always let go of outcomes when you encounter a dark force, just be yourself, let go & let God, some people of darkness try to stir fear..... Always brave & show your force that comes from the light of God, the truth of who you really are, never be afraid of the true you. Show & speak your peace from the heart, eliminate that of which does not match you, "no matter" what the out come may be.... release, & let go fearlessly. Those who try to cast darkness come from darkness, they come from control, anger & hate from the inside, and usually because they carry contempt for themselves.

"“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda

Let no one, or any thing disrupt your peace, goodness & light. Always stay true to "who" you are, speak your truth to those who try & cast darkness on your light........ Shine your light & spread It............ you can through light, show your true distaste for those who choose to live In darkness. Never let those whom continue to lack integrity, those who make poor choices, those want harm, not good for you or others, those who choose to stay In a state of mind of darkness (and think they can disguise It by being false,) those who display their evil dark mindset, (but hide It In the presence of others)manipulating people from a false sense & those who think they can try to control or block your bright light,let them not have any effect more than a moment on you.............

When something does not resonate with the real you In your heart & soul, use your Intuition, set boundaries and "never" let any dark force disturb your world piece by piece, they try to shed their darkness on your being. Only shine light, shine light~ Pass light, not darkness.

Any type of rejection Is protection for you, on any side, immediately omit what does not intuitively line up with your core values. Use your inner force that comes only from God, In & around you, and protect your heart & soul by your light from God......... "No" Is sometimes the best line drawn, this will disregard & remove that of which does not match your value, true needs, and that which does not line up In sync with your heart & soul. Simply move away, no need to attack, no need to validate them either, just shine.

"“A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.” Yoda

Let your light shine and may the "Force be with you" Spread your light and omit those who come from darkness. They think they can rob you of Joy & Peace for they breed contempt, but they can not break the light. I think there are many spiritual lessons that we can learn from George Lucas In the "Stars Wars" writings. Obi-Wan Kenobi "Use the Force, Luke" and "The Force will be with you, always"

Who knows, by shining bright you may pull those from the darkness.... to the light. ©Diane Masi

“Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.” Yoda

"May we remain In the child like state of mind God Intended for us In heart, by him giving us love, life & light by birth. May we remain In the delight and wonderment of the joy & innocence of heart, through our connection to God, and his Almighty force......May we remain in the mind of our child, before we were conditioned by our existence & experienced some of the darkness in the world....Laugh, love & enjoy the richness of life, through the bubbly eyes of an innocent child, let only light In..... cast & shed away anything of the dark" ©Diane Masi

He who is contented is rich ~ Lao Tsu
Photo By: Phil my son In Law.... May 2011 on our visit to Griffith Park Los Angeles California

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