Sunday, February 5, 2012

Relationships~ They are supposed to be truly amazing....Love never fails....

Own your own experiences. Relationships are meant to be great & work.....Seek God for what you want & It will just come to you In his timing... For me, some relationships there was more error than I would like to admit, I lead myself down the wrong path, with people that were wrong for me... but so very glad for It eliminated what I did not want or need, for I happily lead myself far away from such a person whose values did not resonate with mine, & onto an amazing journey~~~ the most awesome place to be~ We must realize a relationship can be a beautiful journey, more than a destination. In relationships for all, there should be no drama, no Mr right or Miss right, no someone that you believe will make you must be whole first. A fairy tale Is a nice thought, but you need to stay real & be a match In mind & In likeness of spirit.....You "know" the right relationship when It Is really truthful, great, the union of two already whole people, healthy, happy, bringing each other more joy than pain, laughter, love, then this Is the "one" for you.

To get Into your best journey, or on the right road to a healthy relationship, move into a space of self love~ There are no saviors, don't use anyone to fill in the blanks spots in your world, be whole first. What ever you, or someone else brings to a relationship gets exaggerated. The more you contribute In joy from a healthy place, the more that shall be given to you. Great advice for those who date, choose to date a person because you enjoy the company, then see where It goes, not looking for "the" destination, really enjoy the person you are with. Don't be with someone just to be with someone, make sure you celebrate & enjoy them & likewise to you. Relationships are truly meant to be healthy, not to be filled with drama & dysfunction. Before jumping In: love your life, be ready to feed your soul more, live from Inside out, rather than outside In.......

We are born to have good relationships & they work! No one knows the big path In life, so practice Joy In the little things, and build your world so you know what Is right when the big things come. If you have had a bad experience, remember anger is awareness, It teaches you about what you do want from a relationship, & eliminates what you do not want. We are meant to be good to each other & relationships are truly amazing. You must have joy before you enter, you must have your own love and peace.....Nothing In life Is ever perfect, but a great relationship Is the fruit of life, so have a healthy one, be amazing together. So choose love by being In a place of Joy, with trust In God as number one, love yourself. Own your own experiences :) Diane

I wrote based what I took away from listening to Alan Cohen

You have been made in the image and likeness of God, and your soul will be restless until it rests in him and his plan for you.

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