Life Is full of so many things; Happiness~ Sadness, Simpleness~ Complexities, Laughter~Tears, Beauty~ Ugliness, Light~ Darkness, Celebrations~ Sorrow, Victories~ Defeats, Forgiveness, Pain, Joy, Passion......Some days we understand life, and some days we don't. Life Is many things, It can be very joyful and understood, and then be so complex we do not seem to know the answers. Silence always brings answers, prayer always brings answers, It may not always be what we think It will be, sometimes better things happen when we think they won't. If we don't feel right, or feel that something Is wrong In our hearts, we need change, we need to turn a page, a corner, a path. We need to lean on our faith In God for answers, they always come. In life as always, we must feel all, this way good things fall into place. Challenges and Faith bring us to growth, and better understandings. In triumph and pain, In gratitude and gladness always Thank God, always seek God....You will always get the answers comfort and protection you need. Have much Faith. This is life. By Diane Masi

Photos By: Diane 2/25/13

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