Tuesday, March 5, 2013

212 degrees-The Extra Degree~ We never need to settle for less In life than we really want, If you limit yourself in thinking that Is all you will get, that Is all you will get. By settling for less than you really want and need, you are giving up. My joy In life Is to help others by inspiring people to empower themselves to obtain all they want. We can do nothing without Faith In God first and foremost, as all the wisdom comes In seeking God. That being said, God also gives us free will and choices. This video Is very short and Inspiring especially on the part about attitude, kindness, belief, focus, perseverance, choice. Wait for the bigger picture, never give up in doing and getting what you want and deserve. Follow your dreams. Diane Masi "The journey of a 1,000 miles begins with one step" ~ Lao Tzu

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