Sunday, December 29, 2013

It does not take money to be kind..... small gestures are what count most.... Little moments all through out the year to brighten anothers day, a note, a card, a call, a wish.... just to be kind can fills hearts. If you can't remember the small thoughts, big things do not matter if your absent the rest of the year...Kind words given like Thank you for a gift you received for a special occasions (so people don't wonder or have to call to see if you received it) Try remembering an-others Birthday, Mothers Day, Fathers Day or Holidays with good wishes to cheer another up...It is not always about you, you will find when you do good small things, it leads to bigger things........... lest you forget, people learn you really don't care if you have not found time for small things all year through. It does not cost money to be kind~ Diane Masi

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