Thursday, May 19, 2011

Be Mindful Of Others and your Surroundings~ RESPECT

Everyday people are walking around so distracted, not really being mindful of others around them.....People on phones, talking loud, texting, bumping Into people, causing noise, worse yet driving while doing this........

I can't wrap my mind around compromising your safety, and the safety of others for a call or text... Many times over, people wish they would have focused on the more important task at hand, rather than a call or argument.....They regretted the decision In that split second, through tragedy.....Don't let this be you.....Have a peaceful distracted drive.......I can't think of anything better than good music on a drive (pre- put on before driving, not playing with It while driving) :) The call or text can wait, guard your safety, the safety of others, and enjoy your drive~ Keep alert~ others are doing this on the road. Beware.

Sometimes people are In public places not considering others don't want to hear your noise your personal business or argument...We really need to have more consideration for people around us, we need to be more mindful, and humble our self-centered behaviors a bit.....Can you Imagine working at a store counter, or a doctors office and people are talking on the phone, and do not even greet or acknowledge you or the people around??? Sometimes people are cursing and displaying angry behavior In front of others, or worse yet little ones, with no regard that people are witnessing this....Some are always quick to complain, or show hatred to others, rather than being understanding, and being kind In certain circumstances..... Oh my, we are getting RUDE and SELF CENTERED.......Some VALUE and RESPECT needs shown these days! Some need to get out of their own bubble and have consideration for others......Diane

"Your first and greatest contribution to world peace is your own." Alan Cohen

Photo By : Diane NC Shores

L ♥ V E

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