Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea. - Isak Dinesen

"No one is sent by accident to anyone" ~ ACIM
We need to see the bigger, picture of life, through sweat & sometimes tears~ Sometimes things come to us In ways we had not expected. Some people or experiences are only stepping stones, to the road we need to be on. People come & go in our lives, and need to be valued for the part they played In it. If you cross paths with some people, and you lay out, In honesty where you are going, what you are doing & they don't fit In or want to go, so be It~ Be grateful for the time you had, & move forward, If they are not joining you at your level, or you at theirs, they are not meant to be In your life~ Stay with like minded partners, or people whose goals & visions match where you want to be....Stay on the path of your choice, the one that you feel Is right In your heart.

What I have witnessed & I believe to be true, a LIFE Is by far better than just a LIFESTYLE....there Is a huge difference~

Some people are tempted by everything around them and settle for and choose just a lifestyle, rather than a life, they can't stand for anything.......They endlessly are In search of things that bear no fruit of life~They just merely exist In fleeting things....Sadly many times I witnessed on their journey & at the end of the road, that Is a very empty place for them to be, they have said to me "I wish I would have done It differently, or have looked at the bigger picture" The old reflection they now see, Is one of emptiness.

Those that have created a life however, That I have seen on the journey & at the end of the road posses & pass on, abundance, joy, wealth of family, good friends, truth, goodness. The people with lives of truth vs a lifestyle, usually posses these attributes.

~Courage is one of the most important qualities we can have, and cultivating courage simply means taking your stand for what you want, and to be willing to take chances and make choices, you feel are right.

~Clarity is being able to see past the external conditions that surround us, In truth of what we really feel, want, and believe.

~Consistency, or persistence, helps us to follow through on what is really important, to keep going towards our dreams, no matter how many twists and turns the road may take.

~Conviction is developing the absolute certainty that your way is the right way for you to live, that you deserve to be happy, fulfilled,to have everything you want in your life.

~Compassion for ourselves and others is so important on our journey. Knowing an error learned, can be of great value.

~Confidence in our ourselves, and our ability to cope with whatever challenges life brings our way is a vital quality.

~Calmness, even in the midst of tears or chaos.

I "WISH" you to have the strength of confidence, courage, clarity, consistency, compassion, calmness, & conviction to live the "LIFE" of your true dreams~ Diane Masi

Begin the Adventure of Exploring a Less-Traveled Road." ~Wayne Dyer

Photo By:Diane Malibu Beach CA May 2011

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