Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Foundations & Grounding

Having a good foundation and being grounded Is the best advantage you can have In this world.....Good old fashioned footing. With time & new era's always ahead, things change...Young ideas come In ~ I think that Is great, and I myself am very open to new ideas, however, I think young people need to be very wary of not laying good foundations. It seems to me on many occasions I see so very many young people rejecting the old stable concepts and philosophy's that have served mankind well, way back from ancient times. Basic, simple, foundations to leading happy, healthy lives... Seems like they throw It out the door, for some Pop Cultures, New developed Philosophy's, followers, not leaders In grounding, guided basic principals.

I see so very many young, rejecting God, rejecting time honored traditions..I think you need the balance of both...New age, needs old age footing.. I am appalled at the lack of respect toward religions, and reverence of God, mockery's... Do some people think they do not need It? At least If they don't think they do, they ought to not mock It, or anyone else for It... Careful there. Much danger can lurk In the world If you are leaving yourself open to receiving It.

For me personally, I was very fortunate In my teens & twenty's to still be wild, free & young, but through the gifts from my Grandparent's I was taught, honor, respect & reverence to God, his mighty power & blessings.... I was taught great moral values, a foundation no one could shake In me, as far back as 12, I remember standing on my ground, despite peer pressures....A-mist my young free-ness & choices, those good footed bricks left me grounded, and layed a strong foundation for adult life ahead. This keep me on solid ground when the strong winds blew....Life Is great, but there are always trying circumstances that we will all encounter In life. With good footing, you stay focused during challenges, not wondering aimlessly, searching for answers. A-mist the worldly chaos & challenges, I was able to see the answer, from the stillness within.

I truly feel sad at the lack of good foundation in today's pop culture.....Everyone seems to want to go with the current trend, and rejects the ancient wisdom's. It Is disturbing, the rate of violence, hatred and lack of moral grounding. I see Kids that have no problem resolution skills to go into adult life, they were never taught...Alas, some think everything Is okay no matter who they hurt to obtain what they want, they think everything Is of this world only & do not have foot work to survive here, let alone In eternity...which many never even consider as a thought. Eternity Is a long, long time....something to ponder.

I think If we keep passing the old on to the new life, the next generations can learn to survive all this better...If you are a parent, or have the opportunity to pass on good SOLID foundation to anyone... teach good old fashioned ground work...You will do the next generation a favor....

My words to the young, new ideas are always good, fresh perspectives In current times, but be very wary of not in-taking what has proved to work for generations, many,many, years past...Many foundations are built with bricks from God & I would not reject this idea....you may need It someday....

I have seen my father pass away at 82 this past year,my step father passed away at age 70 seven years ago, my my Mom Is almost 82 now, My Step Mom 81...I believe this was the last generation that knew exactly what hard lives & physical work were, (In America only) they survived many tragedies In their days & tried to live the great American dream the best they could....Our lives are nothing compared to what these generations have lived. Most came from parents that really were immigrants here In the USA, they came for opportunity and they lived even harder lives...

These generations have seen much change & If you are wise enough to have one of them left In your life.....learn from them....Every era has It's difficult times, but these people had good moral foundations, strong backgrounds & belief systems..........Wisdom... If you look at the USA, the most solid of people put out In society come from strong family culture, values, faith based, whatever the heritage & these are wise families preparing their youth. Learn, pay attention, the modern world needs old ideas and input too. ©Diane Masi~

Photo By: Diane My Mom 9-20-11

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