Friday, September 23, 2011

Purpose Of the Blog....Inspire, help the young minds....Stop The Bully's

There are many reasons I right this blog. I am an encourager, I like to Inspire, a gift I believe I was born with.

My hopes are to Inspire many In a world that seems to need much Hope, Peace and Love. To share with others some of the best sources of Inspirational people I have ever met. To help, to teach others how to Inspire our youth.

In today's culture, especially with the young, we have many challenges. I still see much good, many who make a difference and Inspire us all, but I also see many lost souls, hatred, violence, hopelessness, lack of Integrity, lack of love or compassion. I see kids taking their own lives, because they were tragically bullied to death. So Incredibly sad~ I also see a world which everything Is focusing on the outer layer, not the Inner. In a 100 years from now, none of us will be here, so does the outer layer matter most? No, It will all leave us. What you have In your soul & leave behind will matter most. Why especially do we put the superficial message out to young men & women that only outer beauty matters?

We must make better choices In this beautiful world we have been given, and we must live each day to the fullest capacity.We are obligated as parents to raise our children, not just have them. They will have joy, happiness, tears, trials, sad times,that all part of life. On a daily basis It Is up to each of us to work through our trials, help young hearts, and most of all see the beauty In each day, each person, contributing love and caring out Into the world Instead of hatred & violence. We need to help the youth & start with It In our homes.

One of my writings I touched down on recently that got much attention was In reaching out & training our young. Seems there Is this major bullying issue going on In the US. Why? We are not talking the normal kid stuff, kids will be kids & pick on each other, fight, that Is part of life. What I am referring to Is pure hatred, evil bullying....words & actions beyond belief In many young...I think the most relevant questions would be are; "Where are they deriving this behavior from?" "Where are they learning this?" "Why Is It acceptable? and why no consequences are given for their actions?" "Are they learning this at home?" (After all that Is the 1st training ground) " Are they In fact being bullied at home by care givers themselves?" "Why are parents not monitoring, protecting, paying attention?" We just can't blame schools and society, they learn at home first.

As a parent, every night we had dinner all together, at the family table, NO TV during dinner, and Grace for the food. Yes of course we had activities at times & work, when they were older, but did everyday we could, which was most days. We had great conversations at the table, and how we learned of each others day. We read much since babies, TV & TV games were limited, Outdoor activities were a must....Lots of friends In the house, or at a FEW other supervised households so you know what they were doing.... Yes they had kids freedom, if they were accountable for what they were doing, and not breaking house rules.

Years ago when I had young children, the Internet struck, right out of the world of dos. I foresaw the new age Of Internet dangers, I learned how to cyber lock a computer that my children new more about than me. I told them when they were 18 they could make their own choices. There was just an open, unregulated world of trouble at there fingertips, things they should not read or see, that I did not want Impressed on their forming minds yet. Much danger In a completely open world of Information, and sometimes those seeds of this can affect the young mind. I monitored music & movies until they were formed enough to read between the lines as an adult. You can't shield your kids from all dangers that lurk out there, but you can damn well put the effort In to try to control what you can, In your home environment. I made sure they were out doing other things, kids need to do, to just be kids.

I am not telling people how to parent, I am not perfect, no one Is, It Is all a learning process, I think much good old common sense Is needed here. I gave 100 percent to my best ability, and really had pure love, care & concern. I want to Inspire you to be your best, to have your children be their best. Just giving material things and leaving them open In a world of all technology, unsupervised, Is a far cry from what Is really needed, In raising kids. The reason I bring this up, Is because I think the loss of family & structure, Is the critical link missing In many homes these days...It Is not easy being a Parent, or mentor, probably the hardest job In the world, but "DO" your best, mind what they are doing, and don't leave them unprotected & raising themselves In a rapid changing world. Letting kids just do what they want, will not prepare them for the adult road ahead....Caring, Structure, Discipline = Love....It shows you care, and they matter.

I guess my BIGGEST question as a parent, "Why are you allowing young kids to be on the OPEN INTERNET UNSUPERVISED....Cell phones, texting, sexting, Facebook, My space, Blogs. Messaging. Kids are being bullied with no consequences for the mean, hurtful, writings, It Is In-humane, they are not face to face....Anyone can write anything & not feel It, or see the hurt & pain It can cause. I asked a few young late twenty to thirty year old friends what they thought about my subject this morning, and gave a brief outline of my base writing. I asked If they agreed that just blaming this new problem should be on Schools & Society alone, They all replied "NO" I asked do you agree that parents need to be held more accountable? They all agreed with me, "Yes" ~Matt said; "Parents need to be responsible too." Lauren said "Put the kids back on the playground & just let them duke It out like kids, & It will be over." Sheena responded to Lauren's comment, "That Is far better than the more painful, screwing of the mind, through writing." I really appreciated the Input.

My son recently wrote a page on Digital Privacy & The Great responsibility that comes with It as adults, to protect ourselves, It Is a great read.....Why are parents not being responsible for the dangers, and not protecting their children? Either as the victim or the bully's?

We have much to teach our young, In a rapidly changing world, who Is minding the kids? We should be teaching them values, love, Integrity, how to be more inner, peaceful, kind? Why are they not riding bikes, playing outside, why do they eat fast foods, get lazy, stay In the house, why do they bully, so viciously??? Why are they so unhealthy mentally & physically? We need to Inspire our young to be all they can be, instead of letting them hide behind a keyboard....Please take time to Inspire your children,spend time with them, lead them....My goal Is to Inspire...© Diane Masi

I would appreciate any input or comments on this post.

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