Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 28 Keep Peace, & Have Forgiveness With Others

Sometimes we just need to keep peace, get over things...We must have forgiveness In our Hearts.........Sometimes people just always want to be right, instead of being more peaceful and accepting. They speak harshly & hold grudges, and hold bitterness......The only person It hurts Is you, not your target.......Sometimes we must discern when, or when not to speak on certain things that may hurt others.......Sometimes you got to speak up, but you must choose words wisely..........words Impact others for good, and bad.......Hope, we as Humans make the best choices In this mystery of Life~Have a beautiful peaceful day~ Diane

Forgiveness in the heart comes about when the walls of separation in the mind fall. --Deepak Chopra

No one has a finer command of language than the person who keeps his mouth shut.

-- Sam Rayburn

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