The last 9 days of the forty I will be covering the law of attraction, because It Is the area that needs the most work In changing your heart and soul~ So much to cover, and so many examples.
Your thoughts DO manifest what you bring Into your life. What you think will happen will, when you focus on what you do want, rather than what you don't want you will bring It on....If you focus on what you don't want you will bring that on too..
This Is not mere positive thinking, or just crazy thinking.....You must bring power of Intention into your life, and practice, make It a habit......The law of attraction Is so TRUE and has been written, and proven over and over, starting In ancient times.....You must have faith, believe, and start your focus on what It Is you want to manifest, and bring Into your life.
You know what feelings you have In you, and you know what feels good and what does not.....If you focus on good, you bring more good, If you focus on bad, you bring more bad. If you start by being grateful for what you do have, more will show up. If you are constantly focusing on what you don't have, you will attract less. You manifest what you think.
Sometimes people grumble about others and complain about how bad their lives are. We have all the power to bring Joy and Peace In our lives. It Is your your choice of feelings, that will make yourself happy, no one can do this for you EVER but you. You can't control others EVER....What you can do Is come from a more loving and grateful place for what you do have, and focus on good things that are given from another, and MORE will show up.
If you focus on negative and bad you will bring more....If you come from gratitude for what good you have, you will bring more.
When It has been said you are made In the Image & likeness of God, you are....God lies within you...connect to him, and BELIEVE all Is possible. Start using your God given brain to bring what you want into your world....You are the abundant source of energy. When you want something, ASK, FOCUS, BELIEVE........It will manifest!!!
We have all heard of the placebo affect where people thought they were given medicine to feel better, their health got better, but they really were only given a fake sugar pill....They thought the medicine made them better, It was all In their head...Not saying all medicine be dismissed, of course some acute Illness, and some may need real medicine for Life or Death, but majority Is In the head, and even In some serious cases the mind has beat the Illness, scientifically found.
Great athletes or achievers train the brain...The "I believe I can" and they do! Why does someone who Is told they will never walk or talk again do It? They BELIEVE they will~ and do, against the odds!Look at Mother Theresa, this woman's presence changed the room she waked Into, she thought only PEACE......Look what she manifested! She never protested for peace, only thought and lived It~
"Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye, and you will be drawn toward it."
Napoleon Hill, Law of Attraction Quotes
"A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life."
James Allen, Law of Attraction Quote
In every Good Holy Book or In the Great books of Wisdom's It Is Written...Examples: " Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and It shall be given" Jesus quoted this, he also healed people why??? Because they believed he could....
Q'uran Quotes~You must, therefore, always remain conscious that each word that you are reading, reciting, hearing, or trying to understand, has been sent for you by Allah.
Do you truly have this faith? You do not have to look far for an answer. Just examine your heart and behavior. Without faith you cannot come to acquire all the other inner resources you will need.
Buddha Quotes~ "There is nothing so disobedient as an undisciplined mind, and there is nothing so obedient as a disciplined mind. What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind."
YOU MUST BELIEVE In your power and In Faith and Intention. You can bring real miracles to your life......Do you remember the Jeanie In the bottle? Three wishes???? Well you have thousands of wishes to make come true....Send your wish out to the universe wholeheartedly.......It WILL show up In time, If you keep your heart, soul and thought on It~ WISH~~~IMAGINE, FEEL the good feeling of WHAT IT IS YOU WANT.....KNOW WHAT YOU WANT.
This Is not to say you don't feel feelings that are bad, they are needed to feel and know, what you do want, to weigh against...But you must focus on the good feelings and wants, to shape your world....
If your mind Is going to negative thoughts today, change your feelings, example: Put on a song you like and sing It, watch your feelings change, when you base your thoughts on what good feelings that come from within, watch the mood elevate, and the day change for the better~Diane
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